Research and Development Activities

Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies Research and Development Policy

In accordance with Aksaray University's Research and Development Policy, the Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies continues its operations. Within the framework of this policy, R&D activities aim to achieve the following primary objectives:

Cooperation with Industry and Technology Transfer: The department aims to increase university-industry cooperation in the field of motor vehicles and transportation technologies and contribute to the development of the industry through the Technology Transfer Office. Innovations and innovative technologies for the industry are developed in line with the needs of the sector, and these solutions are made applicable in the sector.

Enhancing Student and Instructor Qualifications: We conduct various R&D projects and training programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of students and academic staff in the field of motor vehicles and transportation technologies. These activities support scientific achievements and ensure the development of qualified human resources.

National and International Collaborations: The department continuously improves its research in the field of motor vehicles and transportation technologies by taking advantage of national and international collaborations. These collaborations aim to make the department a globally recognized center by increasing participation in globally recognized research projects.

Dissemination and Commercialization of Research Results: The Department ensures that the results obtained from R&D activities in the field of motor vehicles and transportation technologies are shared, disseminated, and commercialized with the industry. This process supports the integration of innovative solutions into the industry and the creation of economic value.

Producing Science and Technology through Innovative R&D Activities: We prioritize innovative R&D activities in the field of motor vehicles and transportation technologies, which contribute to the production of scientific and technological developments. These studies aim to reveal innovative solutions in motorized transport vehicles, sustainable transportation systems, and related technologies.

Based on these principles, the Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies aims to become an important research and development center in both academic and industrial fields and to contribute to society.